Peter Amstutz wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 06:15:39PM -0400, Reed Hedges wrote:
>> The reason I ask is that I want to load some 3D objects from a COD file,
>> but then insert some non-3d children into one of those objects, and
>> extend its types. This is the kind of thing that VOS is all about :)
>> Practically speaking, I want to be able to re-export the 3D COD from
>> Blender and clobber it while keeping my non-3d extensions seperate.
> So, it sounds to me like you want to append file A and file B to produce 
> file C, and that some of those pieces in file B are intended to modify 
> pieces of file A.  I see why you might want to do that.

Sort of. Here's an example of what I was thinking of:

  <load file="3dworld.cod/xod/whatever" />
  <vobject parent="/obj-from-file" type="ex:extra">

  <extend ref="/obj-from-file" type="ex:weird-type" />

> Well, I feel like it should be more purely declarative and reflected by 
> the DOM structure, and not require that you have to in effect execute a 
> stream of commands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in a specific order scattered around 
> the file to reconstruct the vobject structure.  

This being what COD is, sort of, right?

Anyway, eventually when we have OTDs we could use those OTDs to generate
DTDs or Schemas and be able to say

<a3dl:sector name="world">
  <a3dl:object3d_sphere name="foo">
    <property name="a3dl:position">0 0 0</property>
    <a3dl:material name="a3dl:material">

Which would really be using XML to the fullest.  Except for when you
want a Vobject to have two types, then we need some other way to do
that, like
  <multitype-vobject name="foo">
     ...object3d-related children...
     ... metadata ...

or some other way of using seperate XML elements for different types.


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