On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 09:26:59AM -0600, S Mattison wrote:

> The TerAngreal browser, I feel, doesn't serve as an integrative
> metaversal tool; because it uses proprietary OS-GUI-interface system
> calls, to generate the 'chat area' as well as the 'user list', and
> even the 'menus'.

Well ironically, the point of that is to serve integration with the 
user's desktop.  For various reasons, 3D-based GUIs tend to be clunky, 
due either to lack of polish (the GUI hasn't had the years of 
development attention that say GTK has), lack of integration with the 
desktop (things like cutting and pasting doesn't work like the rest of 
the desktop, if it works at all) or simply being slow (because the GUI 
is rendered on top of the 3D scene, the update rate of the controls is 
throttled to that of the update rate of the 3D scene as a whole.)

Thus, the use of WxWidgets to create a native look and feel was a 
deliberate design decision, not because it was easier (because it's not, 
it actually makes some things a lot harder.)

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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