
Semana passada, quando nos encontramos com o Maneschy, havia saido
naquele dia a notícia que a oposição venezuelana havia conseguido
forçar um plebiscito, e o governo havia declarado nada temer. Eu
brinquei dizendo que a Venezuela devia estar usando as urnas
brasileiras. Não está, mas contratou máquinas tão desconfiáveis
quanto. Só o uso de máquinas sem auditabilidade permitem esta
tranqüilidade por parte de quem as comprou. Político que aceita e
aprova o uso de máquinas deste tipo ou é louco ou tem participação na


A respeito de [VotoEletronico] Fwd: e agora, Venezuela,
em 12/06/2004, 05:43, Amilcar Brunazo Filho escreveu:

ABF> Olá,

ABF> Vejam abaixo a notícia que saiu no NYTimes de 11/06 em:
ABF> sobre o uso das urnas-e no plebiscito para confirmação do presidente Chavez
ABF> da Venezuela.
ABF> O Governo resolveu usar urnas-e sem voto impresso e com software fechado
ABF> (no mesmo estilo das brasileiras). A oposição está reclamando.

ABF> Mas o que mais me chamou a atenção é o fato da OEA estar sendo sugerida
ABF> pela oposição para monitorar as urnas-e. E os governistas repelem a oferta!

ABF> A OEA tem sido responsável direta por levar a urna-e brasileira (sem voto
ABF> conferido pelo eleitor e com parte do software fechado) para os demais
ABF> países latino-americanos.

ABF> Tem um "cheiro de incoerência" nesta história.

ABF> Obs: no mesmo dia saiu uma outra reportagem no NYTimes sobre o falso dilema
ABF> usabilidadeXsegurança das urnas-e. Como tenho trocado algumas mensagens com
ABF> gente dos time dos "ergonômicos", vou comentar sobre isto daqui uns dias,
ABF> quando voltar de viagem à Brasília. Esta outra reportagem está em:

ABF> Abraços,

ABF> Amilcar
ABF> --------------------------------------------------

>>June 11, 2004
>>Venezuelan Recall Is in Dispute Even Before the Vote
>>CARACAS, Venezuela, June 10 - Touch-screen voting machines, which have
>>been plagued by security and reliability concerns in the United States,
>>will be used in the recall vote on President Hugo Chávez, prompting his
>>foes and foreign diplomats to contend that the left-leaning government may
>>use the equipment to manipulate the vote.
>>A new touch-screen system here, bought earlier this year by Mr. Chávez's
>>government, uses voting machines made by the Smartmatic Corporation of
>>Boca Raton, Fla., and software produced by a related company, the Bizta
>>Corporation, also of Florida. Neither company has experience in an actual
>>Furthermore, the Venezuelan government's electoral council said it would
>>not permit observers to run a simultaneous audit of the electronic vote
>>counting during the Aug. 15 recall, as electoral experts in the United
>>States said is common practice.
>>"What is the dark reason for not doing this?" said Enrique Mendoza, an
>>opposition leader. "This is strange and not very transparent."
>>In the United States, the touch-screen machines that have appeared in
>>numerous states in recent years have had some technical glitches, and have
>>been reviewed by security experts who found them lacking in safeguards
>>against hackers. That has led critics to argue the systems are less secure
>>than the mechanical ones they replaced.
>>In April, California banned the use of 14,000 of the machines for this
>>November's presidential elections, while the state of Ohio issued a report
>>that said electronic voting machines from the four biggest companies in
>>the field have serious security flaws.
>>Earlier this week, the head of the United States Election Assistance
>>Commission said that voting machine companies should make the inner 
>>workings of their software open to inspection by states that purchase it.
>>One solution, electoral and computer experts say, is the use of manual
>>audits of the receipts the machines produce for every vote cast.
>>"That is the most normal thing in an electoral process, and that they
>>would deny it is absurd," said a diplomat in Caracas who has closely
>>monitored elections here and in other Latin countries. "What serious
>>electoral board would not permit an observation, as is done everywhere?"
>>That is what the opposition has asked for here after the National 
>>Electoral Council, the government's five-member electoral governing board,
>>ruled on June 3 that Mr. Chávez's adversaries had collected enough 
>>signatures to hold a referendum. The council this week said the recall,
>>which would succeed if the opposition collects nearly 3.8 million votes,
>>would take place Aug. 15.
>>Mr. Chávez's opponents have suggested that an independent observer like
>>the Organization of American States or the Atlanta-based Carter Center,
>>audit the signatures.
>>But the electoral council has opposed an audit, saying that as an 
>>autonomous body it would tally the votes and ensure there is no fraud.
>>Some pro-Chávez members of the council, in fact, have suggested that the
>>O.A.S. does not need to monitor the election, or that its role should be
>>Opposition leaders contend that three of the electoral council's five
>>members are partisan to the president, an opinion echoed by diplomats in
>>Leaders of the Democratic Coordinator, an umbrella group of opposition
>>groups, had initially pushed for a manual count. But now the opposition
>>says it simply wants to carry out an audit of a sampling of the votes,
>>perhaps on as few as 400 of the 12,000 machines that are to be used.
>>"We are not asking that they do an electoral count on all the receipts,"
>>said Jesús Torrealba, an opposition leader. "What we're asking for is a
>>statistical sampling."
>>The government has raised a host of questions since announcing earlier
>>this year that it was replacing voting machines made by a Spanish firm,
>>Indra, with Smartmatic's equipment. The Miami Herald reported in May that
>>the Venezuelan government had invested in Bizta, a new company that makes
>>the software to be used in the machines.
>>Efforts to obtain comment from the National Electoral Council and the
>>Venezuelan Embassy in Washington were unsuccessful. Officials for 
>>Smartmatic and Bizta referred calls to a spokeswoman, who did not return
>>two phone calls.
>>Government officials have publicly said, however, there is no impropriety
>>and played down the role of the government in Bizta's operations. Jorge
>>Rodríguez, a council member who is considered a Chávez loyalist, accused
>>critics of having "hidden interests."
>>But experts said that without independent oversight, voting machines can
>>be easily tampered with.
>>Touch-screen voting machines bear similarities, but each company designs
>>its machine in its own way, and the software varies widely from company to
>>company. Still, experts note that a review for the state of Ohio of 
>>hardware and software used by the four largest vendors of touch-screen
>>voting machines found serious security flaws.
>>"A fully electronic computer can be programmed to produce whatever outcome
>>the developers - or the people in charge of the developers - want it to,"
>>said Aviel D. Rubin, a professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins
>>Mr. Rubin led a team last year that performed the first rigorous security
>>analysis of software used in machines by Diebold Election Systems, an
>>industry leader in the United States. "Anybody who was really concerned
>>with a fair outcome would encourage as far an outside review of the 
>>machines as possible," he said.
>>Glitches and tampering with voting machines has been seen before in Latin
>>America, where there is a long history of stolen elections.
>>The government of then-President Alberto K. Fujimori stole the 2000 
>>Peruvian presidential election. Days before, the O.A.S. examined the
>>software used in the machines and found technical problems that would
>>permit manipulation.
>>The Fujimori government, though, refused to make corrections, and the
>>O.A.S. abandoned the country before the election. The government was later
>>accused of fraud in the election. Mr. Fujimori resigned soon after.
>>Mr. Rubin said it is crucial to ensure that the companies chosen to supply
>>machines and software be experienced and have a proven track record,
>>particularly in an election as important as Venezuela's.
>>Juan Forero reported from Caracas for this article, and John Schwartz from
>>New York.
>>2004 <>The New York Times Company

ABF> ______________________________________________________________
ABF> O texto acima e' de inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade de seu
ABF> autor, conforme identificado no campo "remetente", e nao
ABF> representa necessariamente o ponto de vista do Forum do Voto-E

ABF> O Forum do Voto-E visa debater a confibilidade dos sistemas
ABF> eleitorais informatizados, em especial o brasileiro, e dos
ABF> sistemas de assinatura digital e infraestrutura de chaves publicas.
ABF> __________________________________________________
ABF> Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico
ABF> __________________________________________________

Grande abraço,

Roger Chadel


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O Forum do Voto-E visa debater a confibilidade dos sistemas
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