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Many Americans Distrustful of Electronic Voting Machines, Says New FindLaw


EAGAN, Minn., September 7, 2004 -- Call it a "hanging chad" hangover:
roughly four in 10 Americans say they are worried about potential problems
with electronic voting machines to be used in the November election,
according to a new poll by the legal Web site FindLaw® (
Forty-two percent of those surveyed are concerned about potential vote
tampering in electronic voting machines. Thirty-eight percent say they are
worried about the accuracy of the machines.

In 2000, President Bush won Florida's electoral votes by just 537 ballots.
The narrow margin set the stage for unprecedented election turmoil, and
lawsuits eventually found their way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the wake
of the 2000 election controversy, many states have enacted legislation to
clarify their recount procedures and implement new systems intended to
ensure that every vote counts. But these efforts have instead led to
further confusion and widening concern over vote tampering and election

Roughly one-third of voters nationwide will use touch-screen computer
voting machines in the upcoming November election. The machines are
controversial because of concerns over testing procedures, security
measures to prevent tampering, the accuracy of vote counts, lack of paper
trails, the potential for software bugs and vulnerability to computer
hackers. Lawsuits have been filed in several states demanding removal or
modification of the machines. New electronic voting machines are being
installed in several states, including California, Ohio, Maryland,
Connecticut and Florida, the site of several major vote tallying
controversies in the 2000 Presidential election.

The survey interviewed 1,000 adults nationwide, with results accurate to
plus or minus three percent. The FindLaw survey found that concerns about
accuracy and vote tampering with electronic voting machines were higher
among adults who were younger, those with lower incomes, and minorities. A
majority of those with annual incomes of $25,000 or less said they were
concerned about possible vote tampering. Fifty percent of non-whites said
they were concerned about possible vote tampering.

Overall, 42 percent of those surveyed said they were concerned about
potential problems with vote tampering in electronic voting machines,
while 57 percent said they were not concerned. Thirty-eight percent said
they were concerned about the accuracy of electronic voting machines,
compared with 61 percent who said they were not.

FindLaw is the most-visited online source of legal information and
resources. It contains numerous election resources, including the latest
news and copies of legal documents involving electronic voting machine
controversies in Maryland, California and elsewhere, and an examination of
litigation records of attorneys in the news, including candidates John
Edwards and John Kerry, and U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. The
FindLaw Election Special Coverage is at:

# # #

NOTE TO EDITORS: The national survey used a representative sample of 1,000
adults nationwide, with a margin of error of plus or minus three
percentage points, and was conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs.


About FindLaw
FindLaw ( is the leading provider of online legal
information and solutions for the legal community, businesses and
individuals. According to comScore Media Metrix, a leading independent Web
usage reporting service, the FindLaw Internet portal is the
highest-trafficked legal Web site with 3.7 million unique monthly users –
three times more than its closest competitor. The site provides
comprehensive, plain-English legal information to businesses and
individuals. These resources include West Legal Directory®, the Internet's
largest directory of lawyers and legal professionals. FindLaw also offers
comprehensive information, resources and services for law practice and
legal career development, including free case law, an online career
center, breaking legal news, newsletters, message boards, service
directories, continuing legal education and legal search tools. In
addition, FindLaw provides access to tools and services that help connect
legal professionals with potential clients. FindLaw is a business within
The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC).

About The Thomson Corporation
The Thomson Corporation (, with 2003 revenues from
continuing operations of $7.44 billion, is a global leader in providing
integrated information solutions to business and professional customers.
Thomson provides value-added information, software tools and applications
to more than 20 million users in the fields of law, tax, accounting,
financial services, higher education, reference information, corporate
training and assessment, scientific research and healthcare. With
operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson has approximately
38,000 employees and provides services in approximately 130 countries. The
Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock
exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC).

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