If you're not doing anything to specifically control fonts, the default is
Computer Modern (the distinct look behind most TeX documents)
for the 3 font families of roman, san serif, and typewriter.  The CM fonts
are not PostScript fonts.

I'm no expert, but the following simple fix will probably go a long way.
Insert \usepackage{times} in the preamble of your document.  It
will make Times, Helvetica, and Courier the roman, san serif, and
typewriter font family, respectively.  These are PostScript fonts and
the resulting output files should be much more compatible with PS

As for math symbols, I'll quote from "Math Into LaTeX" (an excellent
resource for typesetting mathematical documents with LaTeX):
  "Looking at a mathematical article typeset with the Times text font,
   you may find that the Computer Modern math symbols look too thin."
In your case, you may also find that your end-user is not getting the
desired "look."  Insert \usepackage{mathtime} in the preamble,
and you will get the MathTime PS fonts for math symbols; these
are a better match for Times and possibly more compatible with
PS printers (I don't know).  The MathTime fonts are in the
teTeX TeX distribution commonly distributed with Linux systems.


On Friday 19 April 2002 03:12 pm, you wrote:
> I've just been informed that some documents that are being generated
> by LaTeX aren't printing properly on some printers.
> I think it's less a problem with the printers (HP-850s) and probably
> more a problem with Acrobat on the system (all of these are Windows boxes,
> BTW) that the printer happens to be connected to.
> On one box, printing to a laser printer, the document appears correctly.
> On the other box, printing to the HP-850, the fonts aren't right
> (sans-serif instead of serif).
> Is there some way of embedding the fonts into the PDF document so that
> Acrobat will work correctly?  Or perhaps is Acrobat missing something
> or misconfigured?
> I've tried sending "-dNOPLATFONTS" to my call to 'dvipdf', but the
> PDFs generated with and without that option were indentical in size.
> (Unfortunately, >I< don't have the problem, people on the other side
> of the country do, so this is mighty hard to test/debug. :^( )
> Thx!
> -bill!
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