(This should really be on VOX, but... whatever :^) )

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 04:03:10PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Overview
> ========
> Major installed packages include:
> - X11 4.1, Gnome, KDE,
> - Abiword, Gnumeric, Koffice, Openoffice,
> - Mozilla, Konqueror, lynx, links
> - Most of the development tool chain:
>   C, C++, Perl, Python,
> - Many games:
>   nethack, tuxracer, defendguin, gemdropx, etc... ;)
>   the Loki demo archive... :{

Add to this:

  The Gimp                          ( www.gimp.org )
  XMMS                              ( www.xmms.org )
  Some XMMS visualization plug-ins  (      "       )

And, if you have time,

  Frozen Bubble                     ( www.frozen-bubble.org - avail. as .deb )
  glTron                            ( www.gltron.org )
  FlightGear                        ( www.flightgear.org )
  Vectoroids  [ ;) ]                ( www.newbreedsoftware.com/vectoroids/ )
  Asteroids 3D                      ( www.psc.edu/~smp/a3d/ )
  XVNC [*]                          ( www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/xvnc.html )

And make sure sound is working! :)  (If you don't have speakers, you can
always use headphones, ya know!)

[*] It'd be cool to show the Zaurus over VNC at the demos.
    I may need a little help getting a network between the systems...

Thanks for your work!

I've updated the Demo Box page:


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