I suggested a similar idea a while back and Peter volunteered me to setup
my laptop has the DHCP server at IFs.  I've been to every single one of
the IFs with my DHCP-ready laptop ever since... unless I couldn't make it
for some reason (translation: done it once.)


On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Ken Bloom wrote:

> You probably already have this set up on the computer and just forgot to mention it 
>in the
> overview, but the computer needs to act as a DHCP server at Installfests so we can 
>set up
> computers for DHCP networking and not have to wait for two minutes each time as we 
> computers repeatedly while we are troubleshooting them.
> Since I'm sure the woody mirror is also intended for Installfests, DHCP would help 
>greatly for
> that too.
> > Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:03:10 -0400
> > Subject: [vox-tech] Lugod Demo Computer Software suggestions?
> >
> > Contents:
> > - Overview.
> > - Installed Debian package list.  *
> > - Pruned kernel config.            *
> >
> > *: I was going to include the last two but that increases the size of the
> > message by about 70k, so I'll probably just send it to Bill and post
> > the URL.
> >
> >
> > Overview
> > ========
> >
> > Major installed packages include:
> > - X11 4.1, Gnome, KDE,
> > - Abiword, Gnumeric, Koffice, Openoffice,
> > - Mozilla, Konqueror, lynx, links
> > - Most of the development tool chain:
> >   C, C++, Perl, Python,
> > - Many games:
> >   nethack, tuxracer, defendguin, gemdropx, etc... ;)
> >   the Loki demo archive... :{
> >
> >
> >   Machine is running kernel 2.4.18, it has the following module
> > packs: alsa, i2c-sensors, lm-sensors.  The kernel and module packs
> > are compiled into Debian packages in apt-getable /home/debian/local.
> >
> >   There is a local debian mirror of woody in /home/debian/mirror.
> > The machine is configured to apt-get from it's own mirror.  The
> > mirror is updated every 24 hours via cron.
> >
> >   All three of the major X windows login systems are installed:
> > gdm, xdm, kdm.  They are setup to start at boot on consoles
> > 2, 3, 4.  Once the graphics settle the machine should be at the
> > gdm login banner.  Text consoles are running on 1,5-12.
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Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.

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