On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 11:34:45AM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Whenever I visit a site using IE or Mozilla under Windows, I notice some
> sites can change the icons that appear on the URL.  Everything2.org, for
> example.  Does anyone know how to set this?  I don't see anything in the
> stylesheet, as far as I can see I don't see anything obvious in the
> source... (though it's gotta be in the source *somewhere*!.)

Nope.  *brrzt!* Wrong!

You need to throw a "favicon.ico" file in the root of your domain.
(You CAN override/change it via HTML for particular files... I don't know
the syntax offhand.)

A .ico is, of course, a MICROS~1 WINDOWS icon file.  Getting one that
works just right can be a little tricky.  I use some NetPBM tool or
something to tweak mine.  (It's been a while.  BillsGames.com, LUGOD.org
and NewBreedSoftware.com all have their own icons.  The latter two are
ones I whipped up in The GIMP and then converted.)

Konqueror supports icons, too.  It's actually kind of a nice feature.
Gives extra feedback when browsing a list of URLs in history/pulldowns/etc.,
as well as when looking at your taskbar.  (The program with the "/." icon
is Konqueror visiting some page on Slashdot.  The one with the penguin is
a LUGOD.org page.  And so forth)

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