On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, nbs wrote:

> You need to throw a "favicon.ico" file in the root of your domain.
> (You CAN override/change it via HTML for particular files... I don't know
> the syntax offhand.)

I see...

> A .ico is, of course, a MICROS~1 WINDOWS icon file.  Getting one that
> works just right can be a little tricky.  I use some NetPBM tool or
> something to tweak mine.  (It's been a while.  BillsGames.com, LUGOD.org
> and NewBreedSoftware.com all have their own icons.  The latter two are
> ones I whipped up in The GIMP and then converted.)

Err... sorry to break it to you, Bill, but I don't see any icons under IE
or Mozilla in Windows (I tried BillsGames.com, LUGOD.org, and

I noticed a couple weeks ago when I was fiddling with an ICO editor
program on Windows that Windows' ICO file contains several bitmaps for
different colors and sizes (IIRC, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, B&W, 16 colors, 256
colors, in combinations)... kind of like Macintosh.  From Steven's
article, it sounds like you need 16x16 size icons at 16 colors, and
perhaps the ones on the above three sites are of wrong colors or sizes?

The editor I used is PC Magazine's IconEdit32 from Download.com.  That's
IconEdit32 with "32" at the end, not the version without:


(Needs Windows to run... maybe WINE will work with it?)


Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.

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