i'm trying to configure an epson stylus color 600.

when i print, the job simply disappears into the void without a trace.
i know it gets spooled because if i stop lpd and try to print, the job
appears in /var/spool/lpd/es600.  then if i enable lpd, the job
disappears.  the printer lights never blink.  so SOMETHING right is
happening.  at least as far as spooling the job goes.

also, i can cat a file to /dev/lp0, so THAT'S working.

forget that i haven't been able to get it working yet.  i have a
different question.  i'd like to know where the job goes.

here's the printcap i'm using:

lp|lp720|Epson Stylus Color 600 - 720dpi:\

and here's /usr/local/sbin/es600-720

   # 720 dpi filter for the Epson Stylus Color 600
   gs -q @stc600p.upp -sOutputFile=- -
   echo "hello" >> /tmp/printer

do you see where i'm about to go with this?  /tmp/printer never shows
up.  i've set the input filter in printcap, but as far as i can tell,
it's not being used.

i hate setting up printers; maybe because i know so little about how
printing works.   here's what i think happens:

1. lpr spools the job into the spool directory specified by printcap's sd.
2. lpd "somehow" knows the job is there and sends the job through the
      input filter.
3. the input filter writes the translated job to standard out, which is
      connected back to lpd.
4. lpd ships the job to the device, printcap's lp.

Q1: is this correct?

Q2: why am i not seeing "hello" in /tmp/printer?

Q3: is there _really_ no debugging/verbose switches for lpd?

note, installing lprng isn't an option.  the system that i'm using
normally uses my laserjet 6MP, and i'd like to disturbe the printing
system "as little as possible" so i don't muck up my laserjet

plus, lprng comes with _way_ too much documentation.


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