On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 17:28, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> Thanks Chris for your reply!
> Here is the output of sudo -l:
> User doug may run the following commands on this host:
>     (ALL) ALL
> Also, user doug is 1000, and there is no other user on the file with that
> UID.
> Any other suggestions of what to try? :-)

Very strange.  I've got no more ideas.  I'd apt-get remove/install and
see if that fixes.  I'd hate to have to compile from source but if it's
a production machine, that would be my next choice.


> Doug
> On 17 Dec 2002, Chris Brick wrote:
> > Have you tried a sudo -l as the user in question on the new machine?
> > Last time I ran into this issue, sudo was somehow set to a NOPASSWD
> > mode, although I've never had that happen on a debian box.
> >
> > Also, older sudos were confused if there were multiple users with the
> > same UID.  You may want to check that out as well.
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 15:36, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> > > I've got an interesting one:
> > >
> > > I had to reload one of my debian systems this weekend. I installed the
> > > "sudo" package, and added my user (via visudo, of course). Now, when I
> > > issue the command "sudo <cmd>", it no longer asks me for a password--it
> > > authenticates me without asking. Now my other debian system still asks for
> > > a password and "remembers" me for a couple of minutes before asking again.
> > > I've compared my sudo files from both my gateway machine (the one I
> > > just reloaded) and my other debian box and they are the same:
> > >
> > > doug: ALL=(ALL) ALL
> > >
> > > Any suggestions as to where to look to fix this? This kinda worries me.
> > >
> > > PS: I'm running "testing" on my gateway and "unstable" on the other box.
> > >
> > > --
> > > R. Douglas Barbieri
> > > http://www.dooglio.net
> > >
> > > GPG Fingerprint: FE6A 6A57 2B95 7594 E534  BFEE 45F1 9E5E F30A 8A27
> > > GPG Public key : http://www.dooglio.net/dooglio.gpg
> > >
> > >
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> > > http://lists.lugod.org/mailman/listinfo/vox-tech
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> -- 
> R. Douglas Barbieri
> http://www.dooglio.net
> GPG Fingerprint: FE6A 6A57 2B95 7594 E534  BFEE 45F1 9E5E F30A 8A27
> GPG Public key : http://www.dooglio.net/dooglio.gpg
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