
ok, tonight i made history.  it was the first time i've ever used layers
in my life.

i've got an image that i created (saved as xcf format.  is that correct
if i want to keep the layers intact?) with 7 layers.

i'd like to make the whole image longer.  so:

   Image | Canvas Size | Height (increased it by a bit)

now i'm staring at my original image -- it looks like this:

   |               |                |
   |               |                |
   |    original   |                |
   |               |                |
   |               |                |
   |               |                |
   |----------------                |
   |                                |
   |                                |
   |      checkerboard              |
   |                                |
   |                                |
   |                                |

the original image is white with some graphics in it that i'd like to
move into the checkerboard portion.  the checkerboard region is ...
well, a grey checkerboard.  i don't know how else to describe it.  it's

i'd like to move parts of my original image into the checkerboard
region, but when i move the selection, the image selection is "clipped"
by the boarder between the original section and checkerboard.

it appears that my image is indeed larger, but the checkerboard region
looks unusable.  i can't do anything with it.

how can i:

0. make the checkerboard portion "white" just like the original image.

1. make a selection of a portion of the original image (which resides on
a layer).

2. move the selection into the checkerboard region without clipping.

sorry for the lameness.  :)


ps- i placed a copy of this image in www.dirac.org/p/7b9.xcf if anyone
wants to take a look at what i'm talking about.

pps- the reason i want to do this in the first place is that gimp prints
this image "sideways" in landscape mode.  i'd like for it to print in
portrait mode, so i want to make the image longer but more narrow by
make the 2x3 array into a 3x2 array.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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