On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 08:09:05PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 08:04:25PM -0800, Katie wrote:
> > 
> > #!bin/bash

In addition to Bill's remarks below, this line needs to be 
That is, an absolute path (starts with slash) rather than a relative

> > echo qy | lynx "https://secureweb.ucdavis.edu:443/cgi-auth/sendback?";;
> > "http://email.ucdavis.edu/news/news-succeed.html";;
> > -force_secure -accept_all_cookies -auth="login:password" > /dev/null
> > 
> > That's what's in my first attempt at a shell script.  Did I make a boo-boo
> > somewhere?
> Oops - Yes, indeed.  The ";"s tell the shell that the next thing is another
> command.  Kind of like:
>   clear ; ls
> ... will first clear your terminal screen, and then show you a directory
> listing...
> What I think you want are "\" (back-slashes), which tell the shell
> 'the stuff on the following line should be considered to be part of this
> one single command (or set of commands)'.
> e.g., a "\" at the end of a line pretty much nullifies the RETURN-carriage
> ("end of line" character) that comes after it.
> So you can do something like:
>   ls \
>   -l
> and it's the same as:
>   ls -l
> :^)
> <snip>
> > PS - I removed my login stuff, just like you told me to Bill.  I'm a good
> > girl.  I listen. :-)
> Hehe :)
> Let us know if that works for you!
> -bill!
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