OK, here's what I've got:


qy | lynx "https://secureweb.ucdavis.edu:443/cgi-auth/sendback?"\
-force_secure -accept_all_cookies -auth="login:password" > /dev/null

When I enter the file name at the command line I get this message:

/home/katie/bin/runtin: line 3: qy: command not found

and I'm back to the command line.  How do I fix this?

--- Samuel Merritt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > #!bin/bash
> In addition to Bill's remarks below, this line needs to be 
> #!/bin/bash
> That is, an absolute path (starts with slash) rather than a relative
> one.
--- Bill Kendrick wrote: 
> > Oops - Yes, indeed.  The ";"s tell the shell that the next thing is
> > another command.
> > What I think you want are "\" (back-slashes), which tell the shell
> > 'the stuff on the following line should be considered to be part of
> > this one single command (or set of commands)'.

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