Whenever I've had APM not working correctly, the system hangs after
"Powering Down" (or some wording along that line.)  And he specifically
mentioned `apmd` scripts placed in proper runlevels.  So I'm thinking it's
not APM but some process hanging.

Anyway, this thread's gone way bigger than I can keep track of, but it
sounds like scripts aren't running as they should.  It seems like one
should be able to disable services one at a time until one finds the
problematic script, then figure out a way around it.

Just a thought.


On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Mike Simons wrote:

>   For a few more rounds I'm going to try to see if we can get his
> existing kernel to power off his machine.
>   I'll try to look at the other problems like flaky shutdown afterwards.
> On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:57:03AM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> > In following this thread from a distance, I'm surprised, Mike, you didn't
> > have him disable NFS mounts/exports.  Might be good to do that, stay
> > out of X, and try several shutdowns.
>   Yes, I didn't go into disabling NFS first off because the initial
> problem report was that when the machine is shutdown with halt it
> doesn't power off anymore... which seemed to me to be nothing to do
> with NFS.  ;)
>   Then it we find shutdown is unreliable... in general and in his
> latest email that the kernel itself is incapable of powering off the
> machine in it's current configuration.
> > Also, I'm not sure if he's ever mentioned which stock kernel he's using, but
> > whatever it is, I think there's a new one (latest is 2.4.20-18.7).  He should
> > probably be running that.
>   Jim claims that using this kernel revision back when he was getting
> power off shutdowns... the kernel version he is running is quite old
> and I doubt he update it recently.
> On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 03:11:48PM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> > That's fairly out of date.  You might try, at Mike's direction, upgrading
> > to the latest, which is 2.4.20-18.7, just released a few days ago.
> > There have been several stock kernels released between yours
> > and this one; with some online research, you could look for your
> > problem.  There are many security and bug fixes, anyway.
>   I agree upgrading would not be a bad idea, but it is a tangent.
> I would like to figure out _why_ his machine suddenly switched from
> powering off, on shutdown, to not.
> On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 11:35:27AM -0700, Jim Angstadt wrote:
> > Then booted clean to cli.  Did s-u-o 3 times with
> > the same result each time:
> >    s-u-o, "power off", black screen, reboot.
>   This means that the kernel in it's current configuration is not
> powering off the machine like you want it to.
> This raises one question:
> - Were any settings in the BIOS changed in the last few months?
>   It is possible that if APM is disabled in the BIOS that the power off
> feature would stop working.
> > lsmod reports "Not tainted" following a clean
> > reboot to the command line.
>   Very good.
> No, I expect that the shutdown process will still get stuck but can you:
> - Run "shutdown -h now", three times and report if it still gets stuck?
>   Once that is done, I would like you to add the following option to the
> list of boot-time kernel parameters:
>   apm=realmode_power_off
> In order to do that I need to know if you use "lilo" or "grub" as the
> pre-linux boot loader.
> - Which boot loader do you use, "lilo" or "grub"?
> - Paste the output from:  cat /proc/cmdline
> - Paste the output from:  cat /proc/apm
>   If you know how to put those options into the boot loader go ahead and
> make the change but please send the paste output from before and after
> the change.  Once the change is done do three 's-u-o' runs and report
> if power actually goes off.
>   If you don't know how... I'll try to step you through changing the
> boot loader.
>     TTFN,
>       Mike
> --
> GPG key: http://simons-clan.com/~msimons/gpg/msimons.asc
> Fingerprint: 524D A726 77CB 62C9 4D56  8109 E10C 249F B7FA ACBE

Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.

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