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  For a few more rounds I'm going to try to see if we can get his=20
existing kernel to power off his machine.

  I'll try to look at the other problems like flaky shutdown afterwards.

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:57:03AM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> In following this thread from a distance, I'm surprised, Mike, you didn't
> have him disable NFS mounts/exports.  Might be good to do that, stay
> out of X, and try several shutdowns.

  Yes, I didn't go into disabling NFS first off because the initial
problem report was that when the machine is shutdown with halt it
doesn't power off anymore... which seemed to me to be nothing to do
with NFS.  ;)

  Then it we find shutdown is unreliable... in general and in his
latest email that the kernel itself is incapable of powering off the
machine in it's current configuration.

> Also, I'm not sure if he's ever mentioned which stock kernel he's using, =
> whatever it is, I think there's a new one (latest is 2.4.20-18.7).  He sh=
> probably be running that.

  Jim claims that using this kernel revision back when he was getting
power off shutdowns... the kernel version he is running is quite old
and I doubt he update it recently.

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 03:11:48PM -0700, Shawn P. Neugebauer wrote:
> That's fairly out of date.  You might try, at Mike's direction, upgrading
> to the latest, which is 2.4.20-18.7, just released a few days ago.
> There have been several stock kernels released between yours
> and this one; with some online research, you could look for your
> problem.  There are many security and bug fixes, anyway.

  I agree upgrading would not be a bad idea, but it is a tangent.
I would like to figure out _why_ his machine suddenly switched from
powering off, on shutdown, to not.

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 11:35:27AM -0700, Jim Angstadt wrote:
> Then booted clean to cli.  Did s-u-o 3 times with
> the same result each time:
>    s-u-o, "power off", black screen, reboot.

  This means that the kernel in it's current configuration is not
powering off the machine like you want it to.

This raises one question:
- Were any settings in the BIOS changed in the last few months?

  It is possible that if APM is disabled in the BIOS that the power off
feature would stop working.

> lsmod reports "Not tainted" following a clean
> reboot to the command line.

  Very good.

No, I expect that the shutdown process will still get stuck but can you:

- Run "shutdown -h now", three times and report if it still gets stuck?

  Once that is done, I would like you to add the following option to the
list of boot-time kernel parameters:
In order to do that I need to know if you use "lilo" or "grub" as the=20
pre-linux boot loader.

- Which boot loader do you use, "lilo" or "grub"?

- Paste the output from:  cat /proc/cmdline=20
- Paste the output from:  cat /proc/apm

  If you know how to put those options into the boot loader go ahead and
make the change but please send the paste output from before and after=20
the change.  Once the change is done do three 's-u-o' runs and report=20
if power actually goes off.
  If you don't know how... I'll try to step you through changing the
boot loader.

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