On Thu 29 May 03,  4:12 PM, Nicole the Wonder Nerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Up spake Jonathan Stickel on Thu, May 29, 2003 at 04:02:29PM -0700:
> > Anyway, my contribution to this thread is to recommend xfig for 
> > "post-processing" of plots as well as drawing original diagrams.  I have 
> I would also like to plug 'dia'.  It's a great tool for drawing those 
> simple circles-boxes-and-arrows diagrams that we computer scientists 
> thrive on.

and it's a *really* fun program for the rest of us to play around with!

if dia could only read visio formats, it would be nearly as much of a
"killer app" as apache, imho.

i imagine it would be useful for EE's too...


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