On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 09:11:24PM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> Alexandra,
> In light of the conflicting suggestions, I thought I should mention that
> sometimes you're supposed to put the file in .bashrc and sometimes it's
> .bash_profile.  It really depends on the setup of your system.  I suggest
> trying .bash_profile first, then .bashrc.

Huh. I would strongly recommend the opposite. .bash_profile is only
loaded when your shell is a *login* shell; it isn't loaded, e.g., when
you open a terminal emulator in X. Most people (?) are setup so their
.bash_profile automatically imports settings from .bashrc as well, so
global things go in .bashrc, but login-only stuff goes in

In my personal experience, the need for me to place anything in
.bash_profile is pretty rare.  A MOTD might be a good example, though.

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