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On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 12:33:51PM -0700, Jim Angstadt wrote:
> --- Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 06:08:12PM -0700, Jim Angstadt wrote:
> > > I tried to get gnome-pilot working, including a usb change to the
> > > kernel.  Then the -Fr and fsch stuff.  Later I mounted some NFS
> > > trees from another home box (rh 9.0).
> >=20
> >   It is _possible_ that NFS is causing the shutdown process to hang
> > for a long time... if you could go into more detail about which
> > machine is NFS mounting what, that could help... but NFS should be
> > causing things to hang at a *different* part of the shutdown
> > sequence.

- Could you briefly explain which machines are mounting what with NFS?

> > - Can you confirm that you tried the same command three times in a
> >   row and it did different things different times?
> When I use 'shutdown -h now',=20
> [for those times the system hangs]
> So, I think your description is exactly right.

  The fact that you run the same command many times and it does
different things is Not Good.  A system should do the *same* thing
each time your run that command.

> The quotes are what the system is printing, the
> rest is my description.  What should I do now?

  I still think that the reason your machine does not power itself
off is related to the kernel configuration option.  I would like to
track down the kernel .config used to build the kernel you are running

- Paste output from:  cat /proc/version=20
- Paste output from:  ls -l /boot/config*
- Paste output from:  grep power /proc/ksyms

  Regarding the not consistent shutdown behavior...

- Has this system acted unstable in any other ways recently?

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