hi doug,

yeah, DNS stle blackhoels have cut down on my spam immensely.

you have to be really careful about which ones you choose.  some are
very aggressive.  as an example, spamcop bl (which is not known to be
aggressive at all) blacklisted a sonic.net block.  bill couldn't post to
the lists earlier today!  rod had to whitelist sonic!

even so, i think they're a really good way to drop your spam count.  can
be very effective.

here are the relevent lines in my exim.conf (3.36-8):

# reject messages whose sending host is in ORDB
rbl_domains = relays.ordb.org/reject:bl.spamcop.net/reject

# check all hosts other than those on internal network
rbl_hosts = !
# but allow mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] even from rejected host
recipients_reject_except = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# change some logging actions (collect more data)
rbl_log_headers = true    # log headers of accepted ORDBed messages
rbl_log_rcpt_count = true  # log recipient info of accepted ORDBed messages

# The action for domains without either of these is controlled by
# rbl_reject_recipients, which implies `/reject' when set.
rbl_reject_recipients = true
rbl_warn_header = false

you have many free options besides spamcop.  they're distinguished by
what it takes to get a block on, and what it takes to get the block off.


On Thu 18 Dec 03, 10:42 AM, R. Douglas Barbieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I was talking to Ryan C. after the last Lugod meeting and he highly
> recommended using RBLs. He said his ISP cut their spam down immensely
> as soon as they hooked it up.
> I'm running Exim 3. Has anyone out there any experience with putting in
> RBL's in Exim 3? I hear that you can use Spamcop's RBL for free, but are
> there others?
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