On Thu 18 Dec 03,  7:21 PM, David Hummel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 07:03:08PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 10:42:17AM -0800, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> > > I was talking to Ryan C. after the last Lugod meeting and he highly
> > > recommended using RBLs. He said his ISP cut their spam down
> > > immensely as soon as they hooked it up.
> > 
> > Heh, I also couldn't post to vox-* thanks to an RBL, I believe,
> > earlier today. :^)  Rod had to whitelist Sonic.net.
> > 
> > So be careful ;)
> RBL's are either a blessing or a curse.
that's a good way to categorize it.  unfortunately, some of the more
hard nosed services have a lot of collateral damage.  in other words,
people get blocked just because they're in a dynamic block range.

somone on the list (who shall remain nameless) once said that collateral
damage is OK if it reduces spam.  the people in that block should find a
new service.  i don't agree with that (since i'm on a dynamic block
myself).  maybe once i get a static IP again, i'll change my mind.  ;-)

btw, i have this bookmarked.  it's a good reference:


claims to be a list of all DNS based blacklists.  it's kind of an
interesting read.


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