On Thu 18 Dec 03, 12:05 PM, Richard Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Peter Jay Salzman said:
> > and got a whole bunch of things which might point you in the right
> > direction.  most of the documents seem to indicate that the 550 error
> > indicates something liek "file not found", "file busy", "you don't have
> > access to the file", "invalid permissions", etc.
> None of these seem to apply.
> > just so i understand: you...
> > 1. start the ftp client
> > 2. open a connection to the server
> > 3. enter a username (like "ftp" or anonymous")
> > 4. enter a password (like your email address)
> > 5. the second you enter your password, you get the error 550?
> >
> > can you be a bit more specific when you say "attempting to connect to a
> > remote server"?
> Ah, sorry if I was confusing.
> I can connect fine.  I can execute "dir" to get the remote directory, and
> I can "get" files with no problem.  It is when I try to execute "put" that
> the problem occurs.
> Sláinte,
> Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)


ok, can we all see the problem here?   ;-)

richard, seriously, you need to write your emails better.  you led mark
and david on a wild goose chase.  this could have been potentially a
very long and difficult thread if nobody thought to ask you exactly what
you were doing.

ok, so you're trying to put files to the server.

can you guess what the most likely cause for the error is?   ;-)


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