Peter Jay Salzman said:

> richard, seriously, you need to write your emails better.  you led mark
> and david on a wild goose chase.  this could have been potentially a
> very long and difficult thread if nobody thought to ask you exactly what
> you were doing.

It is a subtle and fine art.  I think I'm getting better with age. I'll
re-read Eric Raymond's article on "How To Ask Questions the Smart Way". :)

> can you guess what the most likely cause for the error is?   ;-)

I can think of a couple of possibilities, but I don't know if any are what
you're thinking of.

1.  Directory permissions are set improperly.  I've double-checked the
permissions on the directories and files in question, and they are
correct.  Just to be extra sure, I set the permissions to 777 and tried
again, with the same result (and, of course, set them back as soon as I
was done testing).

2.  Not using passive transfer.  I used both passive and non-passive file
transfer, and got the error with both methods.

But, I just got word from the network administrator.  It appears that he
made an error of some sort in the firewall, and now it's working.  Heh. 
Is that what you had in mind?

Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
Howard Dean for America:
"I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous
group. They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the
desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man.
I wouldn't mess with them."
--Michael Moore

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