Speaking of Mark's jumper suggestion (and maybe he's talking about the
same thing), won't reading the mo-bo docs and finding the _bios reset_
jumper do the trick?  Usually it's a three pin jumper, even on
_jumper-less_ motherboards, and you turn the power off AND upplug the
power.  Then you put the jumper on the other two pins for a few seconds,
the put it back, and turn the power on.  I've done this to fix a lot of
things, but I've never used a bios password, so for all I know, the bios
password is smarter than that...


On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Mark K. Kim wrote:

> The simpler thing to do would be to get a BIOS password cracker for your
> BIOS manufacturer.  If you have access to DOS (where most BIOS password
> crackers run), it's the quicker way to find the BIOS password.
> If that's not an option, look for the battery on the motherboard.  The
> ones I've seen these days are button-type battery cells on the
> motherboard.  Usually removed with a small phillips screw.  Other types
> I've seen use enclosed battery mounted on the inner wall of the computer,
> with a connection leading to the motherboard (old 386) and lithium cells
> that look like a dwarf version of the AA battery on-board (old Macs.)
> Once you remove the battery, the modern systems require you to keep the
> system turned off for several hours.  I'd leave it off for about 6 hours
> to be safe... if you ever turn it back on, and the capacitor hasn't been
> fully discharged, you might have to start waiting all over again with a
> fully recharged capacitor.  (Some motherboards have a capacitor discharge
> pins, but you gotta find it and set a jumper across it... it's a lot of
> hassle, but you might wanna look for 'em if it's time-pressing enough.)
> -Mark
> On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> >
> > I'm assuming the best way to clear a BIOS's unknown password (and probably
> > any other settings; d'oh!) is to remove the batter for a while.
> >
> > Here's a dumb question... how do I remove the battery? :^)  I didn't see an
> > obvious way.  Do I need a particular tool?
> >
> > Sorry for the dumb question.  Again, it may surprise some of you, but I am
> > so /seriously/ ignorant when it comes to PCs. ;)
> >
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> Mark K. Kim
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