lol... claping forehead and all...

It used to be necessary to write down the BIOS settings because of IDE
geometry settings couldn't be auto-detected.  Nowadays it's not a big
deal.  Some minor settings can be adjusted as necessary.

And yes, there are tools to save a copy of the BIOS settings (The BIOS
CMOS is memory mapped, and you just need to save it to a file.  This is
completely independent of the BIOS or mobo manufacturer.)  Unfortunately
the BIOS settings include the password itself, so you wouldn't want to
restore the saved settings directly.  But there are tools to remove just
the password from the BIOS.  I mentioned that in my original post.


On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Edwin P. Groot wrote:

>      Say, I think someone forgot to tell Bill to copy down the CMOS
> settings (like virus-checker OFF) before using the BIOS jumper.  I hope
> there weren't any other important values that were not the default ones
> before doing the BIOS jumper thing.
>      [claps forehead]  Waaait, you can't copy down the CMOS settings when
> the BIOS password is active!  So is there a utility that can read the CMOS
> settings even when there BIOS password??
>      Edwin
> At 06:11 PM 1/9/04 -0800, you wrote:
> >On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 04:14:03PM -0800, Trevor Lango wrote:
> >> It's not smarter; using the bios jumper (at least on my system) resets
> >> everything, including the password.
> >
> >Yep, it worked!
> >
> >It also reenabled some virus-checker which didn't like LILO.  Had to disable
> >that and reboot. ;)
> >
> >-bill!
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