David Hummel wrote:
On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 11:03:14AM -0800, Jonathan Stickel wrote:

Since the partition is mounted as root, and fat32 doesn't really do
file ownership, all the files and permissions are set to root when it
gets mounted automatically during boot.  So without the umask entry,
no one except root can write to the drive.

Unless you're using the "user" or "users" mount options.

Perhaps use the "noauto,owner,rw" options like a cdrom so that the
partition belongs to the mounting user.  But the user then has to
mount it manually at some point.

/dev/hda1 /windows vfat auto,rw,user,umask=0 0 0

But won't the "user" be root since it gets mounted by root at boot?
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