On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 01:31:54AM -0800, Dave Margolis wrote:
> good point.  the archive does become a working searchable helpdesk (or
> whatever), so answering the question from more than one angle can't hurt.

Heh... At least twice I have typed in a question (or error report or somesuch)
into Google and one of the first results I hit is a VOX post.

In at least one case, it was MY OWN POST from a few years back. :^)

I obviously have far less memory than our list archives + Google
(who I heard just added another BILLION pages to its index,
if I correctly remember the newsbit I heard on the radio today)

(holding pinky to mouth:  "4 _BILLION_ web pages!  MUAHAHAHAHAH!")
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