Jay Strauss wrote:

Other than an unusual bug when trying to dual boot winXP, I've been impressed with Fedora Core 2. Use apt-rpm type tools to maintain it, and you should be happy.

I'll download Fedora Core 2 tonight and try it.  When you say "apt-rpm
type tools" do you mean tools that are like apt-rpm or the tools that
come with apt-rpm?

There are a couple variants, apt and yum to be specific. I've only used apt-rpm, specifically the download from http://apt.freshrpms.net/, just because that was the first I tried, and it worked. You'll want to expand your repository list, too. A google search will bring up a number of them, but read their docs about which repositories are safe to mix so you don't end up with a broken system. Also, I've read you can specify a repository list to use with up2date, should you choose to use that tool. Lastly, check out synaptic as a gui rpm tool.

I actually use Gentoo myself, but I do a lot of Fedora installs for friends and at Installfests.

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