I have two questions about running more than one Linux distribution on a 
single machine.

#1:  Does the existence of a separate partition for /home mean that it is not 
practical to run more than one Linux distribution on a machine?

I have SuSE on one partition, and I have space allocated for another distro.  
But my home directory is on still another partition.  When certain programs 
are run they put hidden files and directories in /home.  For example .kde is 
a directory containing many subdirectories and some files.

If I install Debian in my spare partition, will the programs in Debian insert 
hidden configuration files that will break SuSE's connection to it's 
configuration files in /home.  Will Debian's .kde break SuSE's connection 
with the .kde that KDE installed when it was originally started in SuSE?

#2  Suppose the answer to #1 is that the second distro will break the first 
distro's connection to it's configuration files in /home.  Will there still 
be a problem if I install the same version of SuSE in the spare partition?

Suppose, for example, that I want a duplicate version of SuSE in which to 
experiment with configuring files and compiling programs so that if I blow 
the system, I can still run the original SuSE system.

Thank you.

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