
I have a poster (36" x 48") that is saved in PS format. 

using epstopdf, i can create a PDF file that has the correct page dimensions, 
but the JPEG compression makes the images in the PDF look bad.

even with the --nocompression flag, PDFs from epstopdf still contain some 
compression artifacts...

I have tried using ps2pdf14 like this:

ps2pdf14 -dAutoFilterxxxImages=false -dAutoRotatePages=/None 
-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress poster.ps

... in the past this has produced nice PDFs without compression artifacts, but 
for some reason, when i try to use this with a poster sized PS file, the 
resulting PDF is clipped to about 8.5" x 11" ....

any ideas on how to either:
1. create a PDF from epstopdf without *any* JPEG compression
2. get a full-sized PDF from ps2pdf14


thanks in advance for any ideas... this is a problem that has been driving me 
nuts for a while now...

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis
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