På fredag, 18 mars 2005, skrev Rick Moen:
> Quoting Henry House ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> [Special considerations for "New world" Macs:]
> > - the bootloader; I believe this situation is greatly improved since my
> >   experience
> These days, there's one that goes into its own partition/slice: yaboot.

Yaboot did not work reliably on my machine due to firmware bugs; I trust
that this situation has improved.

> > - the mouse: it only has one button so you need to emulate the other two for
> >   X apps that expect three buttons
> This is something I had to hand-hack into one of the init scripts at the
> time I disabled Ubuntu's gnome-session startup, installed Windows Maker,
> and set that as the default window manager:  There's a utility you
> invoke to assign the 2nd and 3rd mouse button functions to F11 and F12,
> respectively.

Nice. I used a kernel argument to to this, but it only worked on ADB
keyboards, not USB.

> The other thing is that software suspend didn't work, out of the box.
> (I haven't fix this, yet.)

Do you mean sleep mode? I never got that to work properly, either.

Henry House
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