On Tuesday 31 January 2006 01:28 pm, p-at-dirac.org \(Peter Jay Salzman\) 
|lugod| wrote:
> In cygwin, I'd like to type "vi /etc/profile" and have gvim come up,
> editing /etc/profile without necessarily running X.  That means I need to
> rely on a win32 installation of gvim, rather than the gvim that comes with
> cygwin.
> I've installed win32 gvim in C:\Program Files\vim, but when I do:
>    /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Vim/vim64/gvim.exe /etc/profile
> gvim comes up with:
>    "Cannot open swap file for \etc\profile", recovery impossible

I _THINK_ the problem here is that gvim isn't a cygwin app, and doesn't know 
where /etc is.

> and I find myself editing an empty file.  Eventually, I'd like to make
> "/usr/bin/vi" an alias for "/cygdrive/c/Program Fiels/Vim/vim64/gvim.exe".
> Is there a way to use win32 gvim from within cygwin and have the pathnames
> work out?

This, I do not know.

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