Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Tue 31 Jan 06,  1:37 PM, Micah J. Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 04:28:15PM -0500, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

In cygwin, I'd like to type "vi /etc/profile" and have gvim come up,
editing /etc/profile without necessarily running X.  That means I need
to rely on a win32 installation of gvim, rather than the gvim that comes
with cygwin.

I've installed win32 gvim in C:\Program Files\vim, but when I do:

  /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Vim/vim64/gvim.exe /etc/profile

gvim comes up with:

  "Cannot open swap file for \etc\profile", recovery impossible

and I find myself editing an empty file.  Eventually, I'd like to make
"/usr/bin/vi" an alias for "/cygdrive/c/Program

Is there a way to use win32 gvim from within cygwin and have the
pathnames work out?

Crap. Probably not. What I'd recommend is writing a wrapper script that
translates the paths for you. Which might be more work than it's really

Myself, I've been using the X version of gvim under cygwin. I hate using
the DOS-console-running-bash method; I could never get the control
sequences to work the way I wanted. So, I always have X running with xterm
anyway; might as well take advantage of it.

i've never really used cygwin before.  how exactly is X supposed to work?

i've run 'startx' just because i didn't know what else to do.  got something
that looked like an xterm and was able to run cygwin's gvim from that.  but
it seems ... very unsatisfying.

is there a way to just let cygwin take over the entire window?

how do you have your cygwin/windows environment set up?  i'd like to emulate
someone's setup who has something comfortable.  don't have the luxury
anymore for massive experimentation like i used to.

I recently started trying to use cygwin myself. While Googling I noticed a lot of recommendations to use the rxvt terminal. It seems fine, like xterm but with a sidescroller bar. I also discovered that X and an x-based terminal can be started immediately by running:


I edited this file to start the rxvt terminal rather xterm. This is now what I execute whenever I want to use cygwin now. I quickly get an rxvt terminal that can launch x-apps if desired.

I did read that you can start X in such a way that you get a big X window that takes up the screen. I don't have much use for this myself. Two resources I found helpful were:

Hope this helps. Sorry if I repeated information that someone else gave; I didn't take time to read all the posts to this thread :(

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