On Tue 05 Dec 06,  7:44 PM, Dylan Beaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Greetings,
> I am attempting to use the ucthesis.cls document class for my MS thesis, but 
> have run into a bit of a snag in terms of altering font size. Commands like 
> \tiny \scriptsize etc. do not seem to have any effect within a verbatim 
> environment. I did not have this problem when using a different document 
> class. Ideally I would like all verbatim blocks to be slightly smaller than 
> the rest of the text so that they don't take up as much room on the page.
> here is a link to some of the details:
> http://www.movesinstitute.org/~kolsch/ucthesis/ucthesis.readme
> Cheers,

Hey Dylan,

Do yourself a favor and don't ever use verbatim.  There's another package
which is at least an order of magnitude better.  Maybe even two orders of
magnitude.  It's called fancyvrb.

You can change font size quite easily with it:



The fancyvrb environment rocks supremely when you include another package
called 'relsize' because it allows you to change fontsize relative to the
current fontsize:



It also allows you to print line numbers next to the text on the left margin
(note you can also use "numbers=right" to get the numbers to the right of
the text).

      item 1
      item 2
      item 3

You can even define your own environment so you don't have to keep putting
the same options within the [] everytime you use fancyvrb:

      {numbers=left, fontsize=\relsize{-2}, frame=single}

   int main( int argc, char *argv[] );

BTW, the "frame=single" means "put a frame box around the verbatim text".
Another very cool feature.

One really great thing about fancyvrb is that you __can__ use LaTeX commands
from within the verbatim environment.  OH YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!

      {numbers=left, fontsize=\relsize{-2}, frame=single, commandchars=\\\{\}}

Allows you to do...

   int main( void )
         printf("hello world\Backslash{n}");   \label{printf_call}
         return 0;

   Here we call {\tt printf()} at line \ref{printf_call}.

Two things to note when you use the commandchars feature of fancyvrb:

   * You have to escape the French braces "{" and "}".
   * You also have to jump through a hoop to print backslashes.  Here's how
      I defined \Backslash:


This is just a very tiny example of the power of fancyvrb.

Have fun!

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