On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> Thanks Pete!
> I will look into this immediately!
> Also, as a more general question: would you or any others recommend
> using the slightly dated ucthesis.cls ? Or would the book class, with
> some tweaking be better?
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Dylan

Dylan, I will mail you privately the ucdthesis tarball that I used for
my PhD thesis that was submitted in June. It's one of those "holy"
artifacts handed down from one Computer Science major to another, but I
suppose we can go outside the department for this once, heh. It was
updated by a former roommate of mine and several others to be
consistent with UC Davis requirements. I added one more update to
properly do the UMI abstract in the "abstract" environment.
Additionally, the inline abstract needs to be moved inside of the
frontmatter environment according to my coordinator, so I updated the
sample document to reflect that. I did not change the font size of my
verbatim environments, so I can't tell you if that will work or not. 

And Pete, they do still check the margins with rulers, along with
making sure the paper had the appropriate watermark and that all the
pages were numbered appropriately. As if my filing wasn't hectic and
stressful enough, I had to sit there for 10 minutes while she checked
all the minutia. At least I walked out with the little pieces of paper,
although I'm still waiting for the actual diploma to be mailed to me.

Melissa Danforth

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