On Wed, 16 Jan 2008, Bryan Richter wrote:
On Jan 16, 2008 1:30 PM, Dylan Beaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

They work exclusively with Excel.

The big cheese couldn't understand that they needed a database
application! We're talking terabytes of data over the life of the
project, and they're trying to get Sue to whip something together all
by herself because of their complete unfamiliarity with the concept.

In the computer classes I taught the military I had to broach that subject. I would say "yes you CAN do it in a spreadsheet, or in Word tables, or a presentation, etc etc. But why ignore what they do best? Basically its like this. If its going to be read, then Word does it best. If its going to be presented, then a presentation is best. If you are going to do mathematical things with numbers, then a spreadsheet will do it best. If you are doing things with words like sort and search then a database is best.

If you start a project in the wrong application then somewhere down the line you will want it to do something and you will spend alot of extra time trying to get that application to do it. After all you can haul freight in a car but if you know the job is hauling freight then why would you ask for a car?"

Gandalf  Parker
I would rather hire someone who has general knowledge in 3 "dead" programming languages than someone who is blindly expert in just one.
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