On Jan 16, 2008 4:52 PM, Dylan Beaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I like the ideas. I reality these guys should be using a database, with
> several tables. They are accumulating data and pairs of sensor values -
> standards. It would be extremely useful, and a lot of fun to program, a data
> collection system where you could input data and standards- with everything
> tied together by common ids... This would allow both raw data and standards
> to be coherently stored in a highly structured format.  Any compsci students
> looking for a project?

Any student who *is* interested can probably get school credit for it
through ECS 99/199. Talk to your favorite CS professor for more info.

(This sounds totally awesome and I wish I was a student with the free
time to do it. Hell, I might do it anyway if you don't get any

aka chreekat
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