I'm curious about the usability of some of my games and apps (i.e., Tux Paint)
on older hardware.  I know it _runs_, but does it still run _well enough_?
(A lot of my old games were originally written on a 133MHz Pentium, but
that machine is long gone.)

Is there an easy way to run applications under Linux in a simulated
older-CPU environment?  (What about disabling FPU)

This may not necessarily mean using a VM (like VMWare, QEmu, Parallels, Xen,
etc., but perhaps there's some nifty Linux tools meant just for this...?)

Also, I'm sure it'd be good to look into real profiling tools.
Any suggestions where to start?  (Though sitting down and seeing how
poorly lines are drawn when a mouse is wiggled quickly is really going
to 'sell' me a lot quicker than hard, cold numbers from a profiler, I'm sure.)


"Tux Paint" - free children's drawing software for Windows / Mac OS X / Linux!
Download it today!  http://www.tuxpaint.org/
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