Ive also been watching the conversation and enjoying it.
I wasnt sure if I should speak up. Ive been admining internet servers for 
as long as internet has been internet (military, then ISPs, now just a 
couple for myself and friends at home). Ive done forensics on many an 
invaded computer. And Ive run homeypots just for fun.

The problem with me piping in is that Im too involved. Im like the expert 
car mechanic who wants to say "you dont really have to change your oil 
that often" or a doctor who wants to say "not everyone needs to take a 
daily vitamin". The answers that are given are always great things that 
should always be said to anyone who is new enough to the subject to need 
to ask such questions.

On the other hand...
You would be amazed at how few of those I do on my linux servers. My 
Windows desktops, YES. But linux does take care of itself very well.

ON the third hand...
just because the houses in your neighborhood rarely get robbed it doesnt 
mean you would leave your doors open or unlocked. There are excellent 
programs that block unwanted activity. But having locks doesnt mean that a 
watchdog isnt a good idea. Getting programs that look for breakins (no 
matter how secure you think you are) are also a good idea. Im afraid I 
cant help with recommendations. I like coming up with my own tricks in 
that area.

On the fourth hand...
there is such a thing as having so many locks on the door that its a pain 
to use. And we all know that a dozen locks still wont protect you from the 
high end burglar. A real peace of mind can be achieved by maintaining the 
attitude "if you are going to work that hard to blow my system away then 
no sweat". Keep track of what you load and would miss. If the system gets 
totally trashed; then have a good cry, consider it a chance to do major 
hardware and OS upgrades, reload. Have good backups of personal stuff.

Oh and speaking of keeping track..
one thing that is a real killer on peoples systems is off-catalog 
programs. Since its off-catalog, the updates are not automatic. Im not 
saying NOT to give in to the temptation of the wonderful toys available 
from so many sites but try to hold them down. Ive often seen to cool app, 
but if I search the catalog there is something like it already there. I 
grab that first and see if it will serve my purpose. Items you DO get 
off-catalog, keep track of them. Dont leave them running and upatched for 
years and years.

"My Mom made me the security expert that I am today.
She always told me that if you open it, then you shut it. And if you
arent going to pay attention to it, then dont leave it running. And put
away your toys when you are done playing with them. Never talk to
strangers and never accept gifts from people you dont know."
  - Gandalf  Parker

Gandalf  Parker
-- the music should always change when..
Someone in a horror movie says "We should be safe here"
Someone driving says "Ive never had an accident"
Some computer user says "My machine is secure"
  - Gandalf  Parker
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