>>>>> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:37:44 -0700, Bill Broadley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

BB> I meant via root.  Does it work on your system by default?

Err...  Not actually sure.  I don't run SELinux by default since I have
a heavy development machine and it doesn't work perfectly (I'm a prime
example of someone who needs a better method for policy tweaking).

I suspect that there is a device I could write to that would let me
trump something in memory not assigned to the current process.  But I'm
not a heavy kernel hacker ;-)

BB> The signed modules has an implementation, and doesn't require the
BB> reboots.

I think I've come off too negative, btw.  I actually *do* want you to
succeed.  I was trying to point out all the things that need to be
thought about :-)  I do think they're all work-around-able.  They just
all need to be done.

One more thought: are you going to allow people to generate private keys
for loading privately compiled modules (preferably offline or on a
different system)?  IE, do you have any kernel modules loaded that
aren't distributed from your distro vendor?  Things like self-compiled
vmware, nvidia, etc drivers need to be signed...  If you only have a
distro key you've locked yourself out too (which is both good and bad).
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett
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