Alex Mandel wrote:
> Brian Lavender wrote:
>> What are people's expierence running 64-bit Ubuntu?
>> brian
> Great. Occasionally something won't be available in 64bit (Like Flash
> for a long time) and you either need to compile it yourself or run the
> 32bit version with forced architecture or via a 32bit chroot(I prefer
> option 2)

Just for another data point:

I'm running a different distro in 64-bit (Arch) and the only issues I've 
hit are:

* flashplayer (worked around with nspluginwrapper)
* java plugin (worked around with openjdk/icedtea)
* virtualbox ose won't build (worked around by using virtualbox non-free)

> It's really the only way to go if you have 4GB of ram or more, and it
> seems kinda silly to not keep up with the cutting edge.


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