Troy Arnold wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 12:34:48PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
>> What are people's expierence running 64-bit Ubuntu?
> Crazy good.  On Hardy I've barely had to think about it.
> The toughest thing for me was installing the Opera browser.  Opera only
> provides 32bit debs, so I had to manually download a couple of i386 packages
> and copy the libraries into /lib32.  Like a bad sysadmin, I did not keep good 
> notes, although I'm sure someone on the Ubuntu forums has...
> -t
There is an ia32 lib package just for this purpose. It's a key component
to using the force architecture flag of dpkg.

I happen to run Opera in a 32bit chroot which is easy to setup.

The only real issue I've ever run into that didn't have an easy fix was
compiling some apps on 64bit. But it's only a matter of time before the
applications are fixed up for 64bit. Non of these have been standard or
every day type stuff, always way niche things.

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