It starts up in text mode!

... But that's not my problem. I just wanted to see how many I caught  
off-guard. :)

Seriously, this is what happens when I boot:

See those shadowy bits? That's not reflection, that's what it looks  
like, except the bits are kind of crawling in circles.

And oh by the way, it's sitting at the login prompt.

It's a C&T 69000 on-board video processor with 2 meg of memory. Hardly  
an exotic card. And it works fine otherwise, it just seems like Ubuntu  
is kicking it into a mode it doesn't support.

Here's my dmesg:

Google doesn't tell me much; most people seem concerned with X issues.

Any hints? Clues? Advice, other than "throw it away and get a real  
system?" Jeez, I just want to run Subversion, TikiWiki, and a bug  
tracker, I don't need a powerhouse. Why is nothing ever that simple?
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