Jeffrey Nonken wrote:
> It starts up in text mode!
> ... But that's not my problem. I just wanted to see how many I caught  
> off-guard. :)
> Seriously, this is what happens when I boot:
> See those shadowy bits? That's not reflection, that's what it looks  
> like, except the bits are kind of crawling in circles.
> And oh by the way, it's sitting at the login prompt.
> It's a C&T 69000 on-board video processor with 2 meg of memory. Hardly  
> an exotic card. And it works fine otherwise, it just seems like Ubuntu  
> is kicking it into a mode it doesn't support.
> Here's my dmesg:
> Google doesn't tell me much; most people seem concerned with X issues.
> Any hints? Clues? Advice, other than "throw it away and get a real  
> system?" Jeez, I just want to run Subversion, TikiWiki, and a bug  
> tracker, I don't need a powerhouse. Why is nothing ever that simple?

Try a different monitor.  That looks like the effects of a low-quality or
dying monitor.

You can also look into fbset, but near as I can tell (I haven't used it)
that program is greatly limited by the options available through the usual

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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