On Monday 14 December 2009, Tony Cratz wrote:
> Bob Scofield wrote:
> > I've got a dual boot laptop, but I have to use Windows for my legal work.
> > Supposedly Windows XP has a firewall, though I've never used it.  But
> > note that the opinion talks about having to use both a firewall and an
> > encryption device.  So what is an "encryption device" that I can use to
> > comply with the ethics opinion when I am using Windows Internet Explorer
> > to connect to the web?
>       Windows firewalls are not secure. You can use other software to
>       help be a more secure firewall. This will help to reduce the
>       number of people who can break into your laptop as you are
>       connected to the Internet.
>       Next I have a question, what are you using the Internet for when
>       you are using a public WiFi connection? Or you using it to for
>       surfing public records? Or are you using it to connect to non
>       public web servers?

I connect to a very expensive legal database (westlaw.com).  I'm paying $168 a 
month for a lighter version of it at home.  But sometimes I need the extra 
databases you can get at a law library for free.

>       Second question is are you accessing your work desktop via
>       the Internet?

My desktop connection is with a cable and a router.  It's not wireless.

Thanks for responding.

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