On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Tony Cratz wrote:

> Bill Kendrick wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 06:38:07PM -0800, Tony Cratz wrote:
>>>     Do you use an outside person or firm to repair your firms
>>>     computers? Have you heard of the news where a chain store
>>>     employee copied personal pictures of the family and put them
>>>     up on the Internet? Why was the employee looking through the
>>>     file system?
>> Was this Geek Squad?  I've heard tons of bad things about those
>> guys.  I wouldn't be surprised to hear other tech repair people
>> are just as bad.  (It's kind of like that video I saw a while back
>> of a car dealership worker stealing quarters out of a guy's
>> car when it was in for maintenance.)
>       Well .... yes it was. But it could have been Fry's or any
>       chain store. If you remember a movie base on real life staring
>       Robin Williams as a photo clerk at Walmart. That *happened*.

Everything has its pros and cons. At one time, the only people who could 
work on computers had engineering degrees and charged lots of money. 
Gradually things have gotten simpler and simpler. Now we are at the point 
of huge computer use, then entrusting them to what might be minimum wage 

Another note on the unwiped HD thing. Some security people say that a 
minimum wipe or format is adequate because it makes the data on a persons 
home computer more trouble than its worth to retrieve. They dont take into 
account that the eWaste is often shipped to 4th world nations where the 
people make pennies a year and are dying from exposure to the metals being 
extracted. There is no "more trouble than its worth" to get the accounts 
of one of us "rich americans". (I saw a tv special on it)

Gandalf  Parker
You cant hide Secrets from the Future

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