
Thanks for the reply.  I'm sorry, but I am not a very sophisticated
Linux user.  Could you be a little detailed with your answers?

I have tried to Google how to boot in single user mode without much
luck.  So far I have found two things:
(1) one website calls changing the run level to 1 entering 'single user' mode
(2) a second says to hold down the "shift" key at beginning of the
boot sequence.  I tried this and was presented with the option to boot
several different kernels (and each kernel had a recovery mode
option).  At the bottom of the screen it sasy: "Press enter to boot
the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before booting or 'c' for a
command-line."  If I highlight the latest kernel (Ubuntu, with Linux
2.6.32-22-generic (recovery mode) and press 'e', I get several more
options, one of which is: linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32.-22-generic
root=UUID=long alpha-numeric string ro single.  I highlighted this
option and pressed "ctrl-x" to boot it.  I then get a recovery menu
which has various options: resume, clean, dpkg, failsafeX, grub,
netroot, root

I am in the ballpark of what you were suggesting I do?

thanks again,


On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Tony Cratz <> wrote:
> On 06/13/2010 09:38 PM, Thomas Johnston wrote:
>> "The following installation problem was detected while trying to start KDE:
>> No write access to $HOME directory (/home/thomas).
>> KDE is unable to start."
>        Have you tried to come up as single user via Grub? If not
>        try it. You may find that fsck has failed on /home. Run it
>        by hand. Then try rebooting.
>                                                Tony
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