On 06/14/2010 02:54 AM, Thomas Johnston wrote:
> I still can't boot normally.  I tried uninstalling (sudo aptitude
> remove nvidia-current) and reinstalling the nvidia drivers.  That
> didn't change anything.  I tried purging nvidia.  That didn't work.  I
> even tried uninstalling and reinstalling xorg to no avail.  In fact,
> the problem is a little worse now.  I can boot to the login screen and
> if I try to login it almost immediately takes me back to the same
> login screen.  The only way to get to a terminal now is to boot into
> recovery mode from GRUB.

        Well not being in front of the system I can't say why it is
        not working for you. It should have.

        At this point it sound like you might need to do a clean
        install. You can do it without losing your home directory
        (assuming that /home is on it's own partition).

        Before you do a fresh install, back up all key data and
        configure file.

        But you might try to get someone closer to where you live
        to work with you on trying to figure out what is wrong before
        you do a fresh install.

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