On 12/23/2010 11:58 AM, Chris wrote:
> Try skype.
>  Thttp://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux.

        Skype can be a good solution. It does have limits. Depending on
        what you use plan requires.

        If your use plan is where you have your own PBX then maybe a
        solution such as Asterisk might be what you are looking for.

        Asterisk can be used to connect to remote VoIP servers or VoIP
        phones (hard or softphones), or even to a POTS (plain old
        telephone system). Depending on what you require you may need
        either an interface card or ATA (analog telephone adapter).
        Myself I like to have an Ethernet ATA instead of using an
        interface card, and the reason for this is it is not dependent
        on the type of computer it is being used on like an interface
        card (meaning the edge connector on the card) can be.

        In any case http://www.voip-info.org/ will become your friend
        and sites such as http://www.voipsupply.com/ for hardware.

        As a person who had an Asterisk PBX in the past I really loved
        having it. I had mine set-up to give the 'your call may be
        monitored or recorded' statement to everyone unless they where
        in my white list. This was great at getting rid of SPAM calls.
        Another thing was the black list I had. The black list was great
        for those callers who don't honor the Do not call list (such as
        political parties, ex-friends/lovers, creditors, people who
        always dial the wrong number (I should note my house phone
        number has been the same for the past 45 years and I really hate
        people telling me it belongs to someone else just because they
        hit the wrong digit ever time they try to call the person they
        ask for)). Another solution might be if you have kids and you
        want to force calls after say 9PM to go to voice mail. A good
        solution for people who rent might be the option to set-up
        different extensions and voice mail boxes for members of the
        household ... press 1 for Bob, 2 for Tom, 3 for Harry and so

        I feel everyone should have their own PBX on their landlines.
        Yes I know a lot of people are moving to cell phones as their
        primary phone. But there are still areas where cell phones
        don't work. And I like to keep some things more private so I
        use the landlines instead of cell phones. For example the
        default number I give out is the landline and not the cell
        phone number. Then I use my own set of lists to filter people.

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