On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Hai Yi <yihai2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to Chris and Tony. Chris, I looked into skype site, but I still don't 
> know,
> if I go with Skype, will I have a hardline number which other people can call 
> me
> back? Sound like a silly question.

Yes, and it's fairly cheap too.

If you want a solution that's almost as easy, but doesn't require any
non-free software check out Ekiga[1]. It's a nice SIP client with
support for SMS that should work with most providers. I've used it
with Diamondcard[2] and it worked great. They also have a free SIP
service on ekiga.net for SIP => SIP calls, which means you don't have
to mess with your firewall.

[1] http://www.ekiga.org (sudo apt-get install ekiga)
[2] http://diamondcard.us/
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